Seeing chicken egg in a dream

What does it mean to dream of chicken eggs? What does it mean? Seeing a chicken egg in a dream is one of the frequently searched dream interpretations on the internet. People often wonder what it means to see an egg in a dream. So, what does it mean to see a chicken egg in a dream? What is the meaning? Here are the details...

Chicken eggs also indicate fertility. The dream, which is interpreted that the income of property will increase, it indicates that the new partnerships that the person will enter will bring profit to him, and if he wants to have a child, he will receive the news that his wife is pregnant. To see that you are in a house full of chicken eggs in your dream indicates great wealth, and it is interpreted that the person will have a very happy future with his family.

Eating chicken egg in a dream

It is often interpreted as unpleasant events and tensions in the family. The person who eats chicken eggs in his dream will argue with his wife, his livelihood will be ruined. If the dreamer is a single woman, then her fortune will come out and she will get married. If the dreamer is a married woman, she will have a child. The dream, which is called fortune in Islamic terms, indicates that one's fertility and fortunes will increase. If the eaten egg is cooked and fresh, the person earns money easily. A raw chicken egg eaten in a dream indicates haram gain and it is also called a sustenance that is not accepted in the sight of Allah.

Seeing a chicken lays an egg in a dream

The longing for a child ends and the person becomes pregnant, who sees the chicken laying an egg in his dream. Chicken laying in a dream, which is also interpreted as having a good child, it is also a sign that the person will not have difficulty in earning the money he will earn with effort. If a woman sees that a chicken lays more than one egg in her dream, she will have as many children as the number of eggs she sees. Some scholars say that the number of eggs refers to boys.

Taking chicken egg in a dream

The person who sees that someone he does not know gives him a chicken egg in his dream will have a good child. All his children come to important places in the state office and become respected people by the society. Anyone who sees that the egg given to him is broken, he will die if he has a child. If the person who receives a large number of eggs is single, he will establish a good home, and if the married person sees such a dream, he will have a child.


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