Seeing a Green Field in a Dream. What does it mean to see a green field in a dream? What is the meaning?

Seeing a green field in a dream is interpreted as a good event that will result in extremely good results for the person.

It indicates that life will pass in great peace and abundance will never be missing in the person's household, and there will never be a shortage of sustenance. Seeing a green field indicates that hopes are always kept alive, one will reach their dreams and have a happy life. This dream is interpreted as a considerable wealth in terms of wealth, and according to Islamic interpretations, it is a harbinger of a beautiful believer who performs his prayers regularly, has high faith, and has the fear of Allah. It indicates that all wishes will be accepted and the person will be very lucky in terms of job, spouse and money.

Seeing a dry field in a dream

It indicates a recurring event and troubling issues, that the person is not satisfied with his life and is in search. The dry field indicates that dreams will fade, hopes will fade, one will return empty-handed from everything he throws his hand at, and he will see evil from his relatives. The dry field also represents the dried up faith in Islam. It is also said that the faith of the person is very weak and therefore he commits many sins. Seeing a dry field is also a sign for business owners to close their business or go bankrupt.

Seeing you plant a field in a dream

The person who sees the field sowing will have a permanent job and gain big profits thanks to his small investments. The dream, which indicates the continuity of sustenance and abundance, also indicates that the person is a researcher and is chasing new discoveries.

Psychological ınterpretation of seeing a green field in a dream

It is a symbol of wanting to look to the future with hope, dreams and motivating thoughts. The green field is the sign of being able to see good things that will make you happy even in negative conditions, and to have positive thoughts for everyone, including the person's environment. The green field is a longing for a good childhood and good memories of the past.


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