Locking the doors in a dream

What is the interpretation of seeing key in a dream? What does it mean to lock a door in a dream? What is the meaning of such a dream?

Locking the door in a dream is not good. It is rumored that the dreamer disturbs his own peace with his own hands, is not easily satisfied with anything, tries to find a bad side even in the best and most auspicious event he has experienced, and always sticks to the empty side of the glass rather than seeing it half full. It means that the person never manages to be completely happy.

Locking and unlocking a door in a dream

Locking and unlocking a door in a dream portends good luck. It indicates that the dreamer will be able to get rid of unnecessary fears, doubts, delusions, pessimism, bad feelings and thoughts, and will begin to live a more calm, peaceful and comfortable life.

Locking a door with a key in a dream

Locking a door with a key in a dream indicates trouble, suffering and hardship that the dreamer will experience because of a person. It is narrated that because of someone else, to experience uneasiness, to get into trouble, to come to situations that cannot be easily gotten out of.

Closing a door in a dream

Closing a door in a dream means that the person who sees the dream is trying to hide the problems, absence and unhappiness, especially in the household, and does not want anyone to learn about his/her victimization. At the same time, this dream is interpreted as the existence of a person who prefers to be alone with his grief and throw his troubles into it.

Seeing a key in a dream

It is very nice to see a key in a dream. For the dreamer, it indicates that the problems that have become unresolved will be overcome, the person will overcome the difficulties, he will achieve a permanent success and happiness, and that he will achieve all his goals thanks to his ambition and hard work.

Closing a window in a dream

Closing a window in a dream indicates that luck and fortune will decrease, the dreamer's earnings will decrease due to his failure, he will suffer from poverty, his soul will be bored due to his problems, and his smiling face will fade. It means that the person will encounter sinister events and will be unhappy.


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