Kissing a dead person in a dream

What is the meaning of kissing a dead person in a dream? What is the meaning of hugging a dead person in a dream? Kissing a dead person in a dream means an environment, person and place that the dreamer longs for.

The dreamer will miss the events of the past. This may also be an acquaintance with whom the dreamer has not met for a long time, who is offended or who has died. Kissing a dead person in a dream denotes the development of events that will cause the dreamer to feel guilty in some cases. This situation will drag the person into sadness, grief and darkness.

Seeing a dead person in a dream

To see a dead person in a dream indicates unseen dangers around you if the dreamer sees something he does not know. The dreamer is unaware of the dangers and threats around him. If a dead person seen in a dream is familiar, the sadness of the person for some reason will appear.

Hugging a dead person in a dream

Hugging a dead person in a dream is a harbinger of an event that will affect the dreamer's life. In some cases, this dream is interpreted as the death of someone whom the dreamer knows and loves. Hugging a dead person in a dream indicates that the dreamer will experience an event that will make him sad.

Kissing a dead person’s hand in a dream

To see that you kiss the hand of a dead person in your dream indicates that the dreamer will have trouble being respected. To kiss the hand of a dead person in a dream indicates that the person will not be respected enough in the circle of friends or in other environments. In some cases, this dream means that the dreamer will disrespect the elders around him and therefore there will be bad words about him.

Seeing a dead person crying in a dream

Seeing a dead person crying in a dream means that if the dead person is someone known to the dreamer, that person cannot feel comfortable. Seeing a deceased person crying in a dream is not good for the dreamer. The dreamer will not fulfill his responsibility towards a person and bad thoughts will occur about him.


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